
2011 Louis Vuitton bags and classic Hollywood stars

You will often see Louis Vuitton handbags with Hollywood stars and other celebrities. In fact it is so widespread that a photographer photography special. Then placed in magazines Hollywood star, and of course, Louis Vuitton handbags are highlighted.
Louis Vuitton is not cheap. At least not the cheapest bags. Yet thousands Replica Hermescontinue to buy even millions of women with Louis Vuitton bags - apparently oblivious to its price and the fact that out of a number of other, seemingly less expensive brand Hermes replica bagsbag.
So, why the stock costs as they do - and what value they offer people money to buy will continue, but the bag of many other "cheaper" brands?
One of the reasons why the cost of Louis Vuitton out what they do, the material they are made of nothing but pure leather. This pure leather, Hermes Birkin Bagsbut without doubt the best equipment for the manufacture of handbags, not very cheap - but its low cost is something he does for many other opportunities in our analysis that the value of the supply bags.
Another reason why Louis Vuitton handbags cost what do they have with the production, which is not in production. Hermes Birkin 25CM bagsBeing high quality products, bags are not safe "to run the mill" mass product terms (as would be nothing to the quality of this production system) to guarantee. Of course, all this does not mean every Louis Vuitton bag is sewn by hand - because it is both the machining process that produces the bags, ie there is a greater male involvement in the process, control measures quality and accuracy of finding the high-end product is a Louis Vuitton bag. Since effort costs money, man, it is understandable that the replica handbags Louis Vuitton Borse Italy are more expensive than mass production "of the picnic bar - the quality is, of course, tend to be dubious.

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